Dokuz Eylül University Quality Coordination Office was established on 13.11.2017 and its main duties are: Development and dissemination of quality culture in the university, establishment of the university’s internal and external quality assurance system, monitoring the performance of the university and academic units, monitoring and evaluating the expectations, satisfaction and feedback of internal and external stakeholders, and organization of quality-related trainings.

Our Integrated Quality Policy

            As the Rectorate of Dokuz Eylül University, the aim of our Integrated Management System, which includes the main fields of activity of our University, Education-Training, Research, Internationalization, Community Service, Quality Assurance System in the dimensions of Management System and Environment and Energy, is to meet the needs and expectations of our stakeholders, to fulfill our responsibilities towards society, the environment and our employees, and to continuously improve our service quality.

                        Dokuz Eylül University started its activities to increase quality assurance in education in 2010 with the European Higher Education Area Harmonization Process, also known as the Bologna Process. Internal and external stakeholder analyses were conducted in all programs of our university, and educational objectives, course learning outcomes and program outcomes (program qualifications) were determined. According to the European Credit Transfer System, ECTS credits of the courses based on the student workload have been determined and published in the course information package in Turkish and English. The information package provides a transparent and comparable presentation of the qualifications provided to the graduates of the programs carried out at our University. As a result of the compliance with the European Credit Transfer System in terms of the execution of student mobility within the scope of exchange programs and the functionality of the information package, our university has received the ECTS Label and Diploma Supplement (DE) Label QUALITY COORDINATORSHIP.

The Diploma Supplement is a form designed to provide information in a comprehensible format about diplomas and degrees in the field of higher education in Europe, and is a complementary document given in addition to students’ diplomas in order to reinforce international transparency.      

            Since 2016, the quality assurance system has adopted a holistic approach by expanding it to the fields of education, training, research, management system, internationalization and social contribution. For this purpose, the programs conduct their own evaluations with the participation of internal and external stakeholders and identify their strengths and areas open to improvement. As a requirement of continuous improvement, all processes are carried out according to the principle of planning, implementation, control and prevention (PUKÖ). As a result of these studies, the programs have received accreditation certificates and our University has been accredited by the Council of Higher Education.

            In order to ensure the participation of our students, who are indispensable stakeholders of the quality assurance system, in these processes, the Quality Community was established in 2022 and plays an important role in the development and dissemination of the quality culture of students at our University. The community organizes quality trainings, visits the private sector to get information about quality systems, and disseminates the quality studies carried out at our university through social media tools. Community members work in the office of the Quality Coordinator and contribute to the activities to improve the quality assurance system carried out at our University.

Quality Coordination Office

Address: DEU Rectorate, Cumhuriyet Bulvarı No.144 Kültür Mah. Rectorate SKS Building Ground Floor 35210 Alsancak – Konak / İzmir

Telephone : 0 (232) 412 16 93

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Twitter : deu_kalite

Instagram: deukalite

Linked-in: company/deukalite