Preparatory Class Information

 Students who are enrolled in the departments of our university with a compulsory preparatory class are required to take the foreign language “exemption and/or placement” exam administered by the School of Foreign Languages at the beginning of the academic year before starting education. Students who score at least 65 points out of 100 in the exemption exam (at least 75 points for English Language Teaching, English Translation and Interpreting, and American Culture and Literature students) are exempted from the compulsory preparatory class and start their education in the programs they are enrolled in.

Registration Renewal

Students are obliged to fulfill their financial obligations determined by Article 46 of Law No. 2547 and other relevant legislation in order to start or continue their education. The dates of semester / course registration, taking / dropping courses and fulfilling financial obligations are determined and announced by the administrative boards of the relevant units, two weeks before the start of the semester courses and a maximum of two weeks after the courses start.

A student who does not fulfill these conditions or does not register for the semester / course without an excuse accepted by the board of directors of the relevant unit cannot continue his / her education in that semester or year.

Other principles regarding semester / course registration are determined by the Senate.

Academic Calendar and Academic Year

 The academic calendar of the university is determined by the Senate upon the recommendations of the relevant units. The academic year consists of fall and spring semesters and each semester is seventy academic days excluding Saturdays, Sundays and official holidays and exams. This period includes theoretical and practical courses and other studies and semester exams. End-of-semester/end-of-year and make-up exams are excluded from this period. If deemed necessary, with the decision of the board of directors of the relevant units, courses and their exams, field studies and practices can be held on Saturdays.

Duration of Education

The duration of education in the relevant units of the university (excluding preparatory class); maximum four years in associate degree programs, maximum seven years in four-year undergraduate programs, maximum eight years in five-year undergraduate programs, maximum nine years in six-year undergraduate programs.

Attendance Requirement and Supervision of Attendance

Students are required to attend at least 70% of the theoretical courses and the applications made by the faculty members or staff in the classroom, and at least 80% of the laboratory, project, workshop, out-of-class applications and similar in-semester or in-year studies.

Students are considered absent during the periods covered by their medical reports and cannot take any courses and exams during this period. The exam results of the students who have attended the courses or exams during these periods are deemed invalid and these students cannot benefit from the excuse exam rights to be opened.

In order for the student to take the courses and exams before the end of the report period, he / she must document that his / her health condition has improved with a new health report.

Grading System

 Relative and Absolute Evaluation system is applied at our university. The passing status of students may vary according to academic units.


Students studying at our university are subject to the teaching and examination application principles of the relevant unit to which they are affiliated.

Objection to Examination Result

The result of an exam, semester or mid-year study can be objected within 7 (seven) days from the date of its announcement and only in terms of material error. The objection is made with a petition submitted to the relevant faculty dean’s office or the school directorate. If a material error is detected by the dean’s office or the school directorate in the exam papers, exam schedules or related study documents, this error is corrected and announced with the decision of the board of directors of the relevant unit after the opinion of the relevant instructor is taken. Students cannot object to the instructor’s error in grading.

Permission to Interrupt Education

A student who has to interrupt his/her education due to a justified and valid excuse accepted by the relevant unit board of directors may be granted permission to interrupt his/her education by the relevant unit board of directors for at least one and at most two semesters at a time, provided that he/she applies with a petition for permission and documents his/her excuse. The period during which the student interrupts his/her education is added to the maximum education period specified in Article 8 of the Regulation on Associate and Undergraduate Education and Examination of our University for that student.

The reason for adding the period and the period to be added are specified in the decision of the relevant unit board of directors. The total duration of the permission to suspend education is maximum four semesters during the education period. For students who request a registration freeze due to their illness and ongoing treatment process, and for arrested or convicted students, the excuse can be evaluated by the relevant unit board of directors and permission to freeze registration for more than four semesters without counting from the maximum education period.

The student cannot continue his/her education during the leave of absence and all student rights are suspended. A semester-long interim leave of absence is granted to cover the period from the beginning of the semester in which the leave is granted until the end of the final exams at the end of the semester.

Double Major Undergraduate and Minor Programs

Double Major Undergraduate Program:

With the application of the Double Major Program, students who carry out their Major Programs with outstanding success can also receive a bachelor’s / associate’s degree in a second major. Students apply to the Double Major Undergraduate Program at the beginning of the 3rd semester at the earliest; at the beginning of the 5th semester in four-year programs, at the beginning of the 7th semester in 5-year programs, and at the beginning of the 9th semester in six-year programs. Double major associate degree programs can be applied at the beginning of the second semester at the earliest and at the beginning of the third semester at the latest.

Students must have successfully completed all the courses taken in the Major Program until the semester they apply, must have a GPA of at least 2.00 out of 4.00 or at least 70 out of 100, and must be in the top 20% of the relevant class of the Major Program. Double Major Program, at least 18 local credits in associate degree programs, at least 36 local credits in undergraduate programs; The total of the courses to be considered equivalent and the courses to be taken from the Second Major Program is 120 ECTS for associate degree programs, 240 ECTS for four-year undergraduate programs, 300 ECTS for five-year undergraduate programs and programs with art preparation, 360 ECTS for six-year undergraduate program

Double Major Program is applied in some departments of the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Business, Faculty of Letters, Faculty of Science, Necat Hepkon Faculty of Sports Sciences, Faculty of Tourism, Faculty of Fine Arts, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Faculty of Nursing, School of Applied Sciences and Vocational School of Health Services.

Minor Program:

The minor program aims to enable students who successfully complete their major undergraduate program to gain knowledge in another branch they are interested in. Students can apply to the minor program at the beginning of the 3rd semester of the major undergraduate program at the earliest and the 6th semester at the latest. At the time of application, the GPA must be at least 2.00 out of 4.00 or at least 70 out of 100, they must have successfully completed all credit courses in the undergraduate program until the semester they apply, and the application must be approved by the relevant department. This program consists of at least 18 credits. Minor program is applied in some departments of the Faculty of Maritime Studies, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Letters, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Business and School of Applied Sciences. Minor Program does not mean a separate undergraduate program.




Student Affairs Office

Adress : DEÜ Rektörlüğü, Cumhuriyet Bulvarı No:144 35210 Alsancak/İzmir

Tel : +90 (232) 412 14 00 – 01

Web :

E-posta :

Score Degree of Achievement
85-100 AA
70-84 BB
60-69 CC
50-59 DD
49-00 FF



Score Semester Course Grade coefficient
90-100 AA 4.00
85-89 BA 3.50
80-84 BB 3.00
75-79 CB 2.50
70-74 CC 2.00
65-69 DC 1.50
60-64 DD 1.00
50-59 FD 0.50
49 and below  FF 0.00